


Please note: If you choose to pay using your Credit or Debit Card, there will be a three (3%) percent convenience fee plus fifteen (15) cents for the service automatically added to the transaction. If you prefer not to be charged those fees, please see the two other payment options below.


Mail payments to:

____________ HOA Payment

(Enter the Name of Your HOA)

P.O. Box 116 St. George, SC 29477-0116


Please make your check payable to:

(The Name of Your HOA) 

Please enter the address of the property as your account number on the Memo Line.


Set up "BILL PAY" with your bank. This service is offered online with most banks. Go to your bank's online banking website to sign up. Your bank will send an electronic check. Please make sure the check is payable to your HOA. Have them mail the check to:

____________ HOA Payment

(Enter the Name of Your HOA)

P.O. Box 116 St. George, SC 29477-0116

This is normally a free service offered by your bank, but please confirm that there are no fees involved prior to using the service.